kraziishiz defines life…

Archive for November 2011

There you go making my heart beat again,
Heart beat again,
Heart beat again,
There you go making me feel like a kid,
Won’t you do it, and do it one time?
There you go pulling me right back in,
Right back in,
Right back in,
And I know, I’m never letting this go…
I’m stuck on you.

Stuck like glue,
You and me baby, we’re stuck like glue. 

Seems like lately, I’ve been obsessed with this song, thanks to The Sing Off, an a cappella show which I didn’t find out about until recently! I am so amazed by the talent that is being displayed on a show like this and ZOMG, PENTATONIX HAVE TO WIN! They are the future to a cappella. There is no other.

You can check out Pentatonix’s epic cover of Sugarland‘s Stuck Like Glue in the link below! They even added reggae in it! AWESOME AREN’T THEY?! 😀

There are so many other groups in the show like…

Vocal Point singing an Elvis Presley Medley. I have to say, it is so captivating. And amazing, and beautiful. When they get into Can’t Help Falling In Love, I was just drawn… My heart melted! It’s so beautiful – check it out in the video below 🙂

Delilah singing How To Love (originally by Lil Wayne). Really something emotional.

There are so many more videos. I can’t believe I got distracted while I was trying to write this blog post. I swear I’ll write more next time. LOL. MORE PENTATONIX!

Voting for The Sing Off ends on Monday – please help me out and vote for them! Click HERE.

I’ll be back to complete my list of favourite performances.

Hoping to bring a little krazii in your day ❤

Hey guys! University is officially over for the time being for me and thus, more time to blog! I’m sorry I haven’t blogged lately, I just haven’t had the time with the massive amounts of assessments that were due in the short amount of time. 😦


Here are some of the promised photos I took while checking out a few temples around Sydney…

So this is Kwan Yin.


Some walkway next to the temple.


Paying respects.


Want to know your fortune?


I was bored while waiting in line for the TicTic Tour II. 😀


Pretty awesome watching him sing. Godly. ❤


Walking to the bus stop... at my old university.


So many videos to post. Maybe tomorrow. I need to catch up on some Zs.

Goodnight all. It was nice to join back to cyberspace even if it was only for a few minutes. 🙂 I’ve missed you guys.

Hoping to bring a little krazii in your day ❤

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November 2011
