kraziishiz defines life…

Archive for October 8th, 2011

The one word that could make or break you… when you’re in love or crushing on a certain somebody. How do friends continue being friends when something has clearly changed? When a rift between close friends is because someone else got in between you two? I dislike knowing that years of friendship could mean so little to ‘best friends’ when a person of mutual interest walks by. That pain that you feel in your heart… it’s that sense of betrayal.

It’s time to get all the cards on the table guys! What I mean is, if you want to say something, SAY IT. Don’t hide it. It’ll only get worse. Be honest to your friend if you KNOW you’re crushing on the same person. Especially if you knew that they had liked them for quite a while. Haven’t you ever read the Bro Code? Honestly. If you know a bro likes a girl, and you’re developing feelings for said girl, you know yourself that liking that girl will break your brolationship. Are you trying to say that friendship between bros mean nothing to you? Don’t EVER say that nothing is going on and making moves or continuing to get closer to said crush. That’s called being a douchebag. Douchebags are there to hurt, not get friendly with.

So, people who are bored to read this… with a recent revelation of this scenario, I’m just wondering if my POV is not reasonable enough… I mean, some people might think that my form of reasoning isn’t reasonable and I’m just biased. So, I bid this question to you all to answer/reply to me. Either do this via this blog post, or even MSN me (if you have me on MSN) or just email me… somehow. :L

Getting a girl/guy, is like training and then running in a race. S/he is the goal/prize/gold medal/trophy/object of winning, and the training is merely preparing yourself for this said relationship and building up that friendship.

How would you explain to this to your crush if they posed this to you? How would you prove that they are more than an object of retrieval, more than a prize, more than a trophy, more than a goal when you’re trying to win her over? They are what you want… and you’re simply trying to get to that “relationship” status.

It would be really great if I could get your responses to this. 🙂

Hoping to bring a little krazii in your day ❤

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October 2011
